Акварель. Цветы, фрукты и овощи [Billy Showell]
На английском
Monthly Membership gives you full, unrestricted access to the entire library of Billy’s tutorials.
Brand new tutorial uploaded every two weeks carefully planned to lead you through the project step by step.
You will have immediate access to all tutorials, build your library of projects and be able to revisit them at your leisure, all at a great value, low monthly price.
Monthly Membership gives you full, unrestricted access to the entire library of Billy’s tutorials.
Brand new tutorial uploaded every two weeks carefully planned to lead you through the project step by step.
You will have immediate access to all tutorials, build your library of projects and be able to revisit them at your leisure, all at a great value, low monthly price.
Обучающие мастер-классы по ботанической акварели. Раз в две недели добавляется новый.
Каждый мастер-класс включает в себя: видео продолжительностью в среднем около 50 минут, файл pdf с контурами рисунка, список материалов и эталонное изображение.