II Online Orthodontic Congress Magical Realism. Barcelona 2024 [Patricia Vergara, Alejandra Londoño]


Курс на английском языке!
1. Alexandra Londono — Mandibular repositioning to correct skeletal malocclusion
2. Cristina Marín — Integrated Gummy Smile Balance (IGSB).
3. Viviane Tinoco — Digital Design and Planning for Disjunction with Modified Penn.
4. Angelic Choirs — Keynote + Occlusion and biomechanical concepts + attitude
5. Yana Tarasova — Digital technology in treatment with aligners. Scanning, axiography.
6. Patricia Vergara — Miniscrews and Impacted Teeth.
7. Carol Weinstein — Navigating the challenging cases in orthodontics for the last 5 years.
8. Andrea Bono — TMJ, Orthodontics and Aligners, how to treat together
9. Vicky Harris — Vertical Dimension Management with Dental Aligners.
10. Leticia Galeano — Handling of extrusions with invisible aligners.
11. Angela Domínguez — Scope of photobiomodulation in orthodontics.
12. Karim Rosero — The Impact of Atypical Swallowing on Maxillary Occlusal Stability_Myth or Reality
13. Patricia Vergara — Orthodontics based on experience!